Uncover the Startling Truth About Your Yogurt’s Healthiness!

Yogurt is often seen as a food choice due to its calcium, protein, and probiotic content. However, the truth is that most yogurts available in supermarkets are filled with high amounts of sugar. Many people choose yogurt based on taste, assuming that all products are beneficial, but this is not the case.

The Study on Yogurt Consumption

A study conducted by the School of Food Sciences and Nutrition at the University of Leeds in 2018 aimed to analyze the nutritional profiles of over 900 yogurts available in British supermarkets. The researchers categorized the yogurts into eight groups: children's, fresh cheeses, milk alternatives (such as soy), sweetened, drinkable yogurt, flavored yogurt, fruit yogurt, natural yogurt, Greek yogurt, and organic yogurt. The findings showed that the majority of these yogurts contained a substantial amount of sugar, even those that appeared to be healthy.

Only a Few Yogurts Are Low in Sugar

Out of all the analyzed yogurts, only 9% could be considered low in sugar. The natural and Greek yogurt varieties had the lowest average sugar content, with an average of 5 grams per 100 grams of yogurt. On the other hand, the flavored, fruit, organic, and children's yogurt categories had an average sugar content ranging from 10.8 to 13.1 grams per 100 grams of yogurt. yogurts had even higher sugar content, with an average of 16.4 grams per 100 grams of yogurt.

This means that there are very few options for children who typically consume non-natural yogurts, which can contribute to childhood obesity and dental issues. However, it's not just children who are affected by the high sugar content in yogurt – adults also consume a significant amount of these products. While the sugar in yogurt may be less concerning than that in soft drinks and fruit juices, it's still important to be mindful of its consumption, as excessive added sugar can harm our health in the long term.

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The Dangers of Added Sugar

Consuming too much added sugar can lead to a sudden increase in blood sugar levels and have negative effects on our health. Sugar is often referred to as “empty calories” because it provides no essential nutrients. Some yogurt contain more than 20 grams of added sugars per serving, which equates to nearly the entire recommended daily dose of sugar. Therefore, it's crucial to choose yogurts with less added sugar and opt for natural or Greek varieties whenever possible.

Making Healthier Choices

When selecting flavored yogurts from the , it's essential to check the nutritional labels and choose those with the least amount of added sugar. However, an even better option is to prepare flavored yogurt at home. This allows you to have more control over the ingredients and create a healthier alternative. You can easily add pieces of fresh fruit, such as strawberries, bananas, peaches, or mangoes, to yogurt or store-bought natural yogurt. This provides a healthier option with less sugar compared to pre-packaged fruit or sweetened yogurts.


Yogurt may seem like a healthy option, but most yogurts available in supermarkets contain high amounts of added sugar. It's crucial to be mindful of the sugar content when choosing yogurt, especially for children who are more prone to consuming flavored varieties. Opting for natural or Greek yogurt and making flavored yogurt at home are healthier alternatives. By paying attention to the nutritional labels and reducing our consumption of added sugars, we can make better choices for our overall health and well-being.

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